Friday 29 August 2014

Analysis of student video-Enigma

To help me learn form any mistakes made by others doing the same project as myself as well  as how they have tackled it I made an analysis on another student's music video. This would help with my own because I would be able to use how this video has been constructed to help with making our own video.
Visual codes

The video has been mostly set inside a garage which as a location has connotations of improvisation and low expense reflecting the indie rock style of the song. It also portrays the stereotypical place where rock bands practice at the early stages of their career. In the background disco lights have been used as iconography to make them appear as  lights on a live stage, creating a juxtapose of the band's actual location to emphasise their low budget set. The coloured dust throwing, creating a mess follows the band genre's conventional use of havoc and an uncontrollable attitude. The colours also indicate the song's non-negative style. This is also reflected in the character's energetic and positive body language. There isn't a clear use of iconography or typography used in the video which could have been used more to mirror the song's love theme, for example a rose which connotes love. The high key yellowish tinted lighting reflects the positive feel of the song to help emphasise it.
Technical codes
The editing is effective in following the music's beats for emphasis however a lot of the time the shots last a long time which makes the pace of the video quite slow unlike that of the song. A faster pace would help mirror the up-beat style of the song. There is a good use of framing in each shot, however there isn't a wide variety of camera angles which would make the video more interesting and engage with the audience better.
The artist's genre is Rock/Indie Rock which matches mostly the style of the video as it follows common conventions such as manic behaviour, a live performance and close up shots of the instruments and artists, which are expected throughout the video, however the video's pace is a little slow for a rock video a lot of the time.
The video's main narrative involves the song's band entering a garage to practice the song being played. This relates to the classic stereotypical rehearsal space form most high school bands before they become well known, especially rock. There is a very energetic and positive theme to the song and the video shown by the coloured dust fight. The lyrics say "Love's a crossword like an enigma made with words" which implies love is a very complex subject. The video doesn't reflect the lyrics as there is no clear references to the idea of love within it except possibly the strong looking friendship between the band members. This could have been achieved through iconography relating to love and romance or certain characters portrayed as a couple or as one or more having feelings for another.
The video targets the song genre's typical teenage/young adult audience well by its use of wild behaviour when the characters are throwing dust at each other. This would also be appropriate for the generic low or middle class audience who are commonly stereotyped as being more rebellious and disorderly than higher classes.
There isn't a clear representation of any issues in the video other than vaguely age through the stereotypical uncontrollable behaviour of the young characters in the video. This area could be emphasised further so the audience can relate more to the video's narrative by using stereotypical representations such as the characters being mischievous or contrasting the behaviour of older, maturer characters.
The artists themselves follow the conventional casual looking clothing of pop/rock bands which helps highlight the video's genre to the audience. The casual fashion also emphasises the characters as being an amateur band rehearsing in a garage.

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