Monday 29 September 2014

Textual Analysis on Goodwin's Theory

Eminem: When I'm Gone
Generic characteristics
This music video follows some of the common generic conventions associated with rap music videos including baggy working class clothing, close to medium shot camera angles of the artist performing to the camera  and cuts between the artist performing and the narrative. However the often used thuggish lifestyle of sex, drugs and money hasn't been portrayed in this video and there is a much bigger focus on the narrative which is about Eminem's personal family life.
Relationship between lyrics and visuals
There is a very strong relation between the two throughout this video as many of the lyrics are words being said by different characters in the video, specifically Eminem's daughter. Also the song uses a lot of description which is portrayed literally in the video, for example when the lyrics say 'She's piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it' we see his daughter piling boxes which is followed by the lyrics 'Daddy please. Daddy don't leave. Daddy no, stop it!' which are sung by the artist but mouthed by his daughter.
Relationship between music and visuals
The visuals don't follow the song's beat at all throughout and when Eminem is performing in front of the audience also contradict it by the pace of the crouds movement to the rhythm. This allows the viewer to focus more on what is happening and being said instead of the music itself.

Focus on artist and unique visual style
There is a focus on the artist very often in the video which is also common for rap videos as they use many shots of the artist rapping towards the camera.
Notion of looking
The video uses this through the various shots, following the common rap convention in which the artist says the lyrics directly towards the camera.
Intertextual references
The video contains no clear intertextual references in it, which is most likely due to it relating more to the artist personally as a pose to the world around him.

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