Sunday 5 October 2014

Textual analysis from chosen genre (Green Day-Boulevard of Broken Dreams)

I analysed a music video off the same genre as my chosen artist. This would help me understand the style and key conventions associated with that genre so that I may apply them to my own video. From it I found mostly the editing was effective in portraying the genre, particularly the lighting and effects.
Visual codes
In this video a variety of imagery is used as iconography to display the location where the video is based. The American style convertible in the desert with the classic western style tumble weed rolling past help the audience depict the video's North American setting. This is later backed up by the use of a US flag in a background shop window. In terms of typography, the band's name can be seen at the start of the video on the front of the car in silver letters and above it is the fist and grenade featured in the song's album cover to relate the two to each other. For me the shot in which the three band members are seen walking down the street one behind the other in front of the discount store is the most interesting composition, as the other characters in the background are much larger than them, giving them a sense of insignificance which mirrors the lyrics' theme of being alone. The lighting is fairly low key despite the time of day which connotes the negative mood of the song.
Technical codes
At the start, the close up on the fist and grenade makes for an effective shot by the way it is focused on by the camera to highlight its significance to the audience. Many of the shots throughout the video are of the artists, especially close ups of the lead singer which reflects the generic conventions of music videos. Also some low angle shots are used to reflect their importance. The editing uses no transitions and varying pace to reflect the song's tempo. Many of the shots have been edited with special effects to make them look gritty and nostalgic. This has connotations of being old and dirty which mirrors the band's punk genre convention of roughness and improvisation.

The band's genre is punk which is presented clearly through many of its conventions in this video. For example the rough and gritty look which gives the sense of it being hand made as punk is more associated with the lower class inferior members of society. There are many shots of the band performing and close ups of the artist's which are conventions of both punk and music videos in general.
The narrative of the video depicts the band members' car breaking down in a desert and them going on a walk to find help. Though it isn't clear in this video, the video follows on from the end of the narrative for band's other song, 'Holiday', as they are recovering from their hangover, using the car in both videos as an intertextual reference. As well as this there is the reference to both song's album cover with the fist and grenade on the car's bonnet. The band are also seen performing inside an abandoned looking building which follows the rough and gritty convention of their genre.
The video received very high praise, including many music awards which shows the record company Warner Music must have put a lot into creating an effective video for the band to help promote their song through YouTube and TV music channels such as MTV.
The audience this video targets is overall punk music lovers which based on the audiences associated with that genre means they would be aged between around 15 and 30 and of a low to lower-medium class. This is shown by the use of a gritty urban setting and energetic style of the video. Also their fans would be highly targeted by the various references featured in the video such as the car.
Little representations of issues are shown other than class by the presentation of a lower class run down location. Also age can be seen by the way the characters reflect the stereotypical idea of young adults and teenagers getting into problems due to activities such as drinking and also being lost in society, shown by the band walking down the streets with a hangover. The artists have been represented to dress quite casually to reflect the conventional style of punk and using a mostly dark colour scheme as most punk bands wear. The costumes include pieces of clothing such as shirts and ties which give the band a sense of importance and follow their common dress-style.

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