Sunday 23 November 2014

Pitch idea based on lyrics

Once we had decided on TFI (The fake imposters) as our artist, we read through the lyrics for their song Cyanide, which is the song we chose to create a music video for, and discussed ideas for the video's narrative based on them. We each analysed the lyrics individually so we could think up more unique ideas then exchanged ideas together. Here is the analysis I made myself:

I came up with the idea of a couple who end up in an argument because the male has cheated on the girl with her friend and he leaves. The girl working at an inn has to serve the man who is now dating her friend and decides to put cyanide in his drink to kill him. The links between the lyrics and narrative portray mostly literal representations of them, including the inn, the cyanide pill in the drink, walking out the door and the couple having dinner.

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