Saturday 18 October 2014

Lip syncing

This involves merging together voices with a video (when they have been recorded separately) so the sound matches the actor's mouth movements in the video. This is used particularly in music videos so the original studio recorded song can be played over the film. It is very important that this is done as perfectly as possible, especially for music videos, for the mouth movements must match what is being said so the person looks like they are actually saying it. if the sound and video are just a second out of sync the whole effect is lost. This is something we will have to consider carefully during our film's editing process.

This video of Lindsay Lohan performing live on TV is good example of bad lip syncing. From 0:40 to 0:50 she can be seen appearing to forget the lyrics which caused some controversy as most of the fans believed she was singing live.

A good example of lip syncing can be seen clearly in Miley Cyrus' music video for 'Wrecking Ball' in which doing it correctly was very important for the close up shot means any mistakes would be easily noticed.

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