Saturday 25 October 2014

Notes on digipack and magazine advertisement

Researching into digipaks and posters will inform me of the basics I need to know when creating the ones for our own artist so I can produce a good quality product.
Typically a digipak consists of a book-like style made of a paper or card outer binding and contains one or more CD trays within it. They are important because they encase the CD and protect it from damage and inform the user of who the artist and album are for the CD. Digipaks in particular have become a recent popularity among music artists due to their resistance to cracking as unlike the classic jewel case style CD case they are not made of a brittle material, except for the inner CD tray.
Magazine advertisement (Album)
Album magazine advertisements are used as a promotional tool to entice people to buy the album of a specific artist. They usually contain text informing the viewer of information such as the album and artist names, the release date, songs included, record companies and websites to visit and the advertisement will include an image of at least the album cover. Their style will also vary depending on the artist's style and genre, for example a metal artist would use much darker lighting and less colours compared to an electronic artist. Artists need these in order to help sell their albums in larger quantities as creating advertisements makes it more likely people will take interest in the album and purchase it.

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