Saturday 11 October 2014

Textual analysis from chosen genre (My Chemical Romance-Desolation Row)

I created a second analysis for a music video for our genre to help gain much wider knowledge of the conventions included in that genre. This video really emphasised the classic style of punk using various elements to represent anarchy. such as attacking police and causing mayhem.
Visual codes
There is a large amount of typography and iconography at the start of the video as it shows a classic punk concert played at a venue called the 'Pale Horse' which bears reference to one featured in the novel for Watchmen, for which this song was made. The sign at the concert says 'My Chemical Romance' and this is followed by a sign saying 'sold out' highlighting how the band are a very popular mainstream artist. The audience is made aware the video is set in New York by its generic police uniforms worn by the police featured at the start. This introduction also suggests there is about to be trouble, which is what punk is generally about causing. The background of the artists' stage displays the face mask of one of the Watchmen characters, again, showing reference to the film the song was made for. There are various shots reflecting the generic convention of anarchy in punk music videos such as people punching police men, riot police pushing through the crowd and objects being thrown and broken. The lighting of the video is fairly low key which mirrors the bad mischievous nature of the band who are causing havoc.
Technical codes
Throughout the video the editing is fast paced to follow the tempo of the music so it is more highlighted from the video and not transitions are used so the cuts are fast and snappy. The re are slow motion effects used a lot to help emphasise the speed of movements and actions being taken, for example the bottle being broken on the riot policeman's helmet. There are a large amount of shots focusing on the lead singer and band as it shows them as important characters which follows the conventional style of music videos. There are also many shots of the audience highlighting that the band is playing live. Most of the shots are placed matching the band's eye level to show how they are levelled above the audience also reflecting their importance.
With the band being a punk band, many of punk's generic conventions are followed in this video. This is shown through elements such as shots of the artists playing, a sense of chaos and anarchy and the overall visual style of the setting.
There is a clear narrative shown in the video which shows the artists performing at a concert which is sold out. The enraged fans who haven't got tickets begin causing havoc and as the police arrive it worsens. Eventually riot police arrive to solve the problem and a riot breaks out inside the concert as the band is playing. it concludes with the band being arrested. Various intertextual references are included in the video from the film 'Watchmen' including the location and editing style.
The video was made to not only promote the band but also the film 'Watchmen' both of which are distributed by Warner Bros. Both were also directed by the same man resulting in similar styles to both which helped with promotion of the film. By featuring their film in one of their artist's music videos Warner were able to promote the film at a lower cost than using someone else's.
The audience aimed at with this video would mostly be teenagers or young adults who are not only generally the audience most targeted by punk music but are also stereotyped as being rebellious and causing chaos like the crowd in the video. The video would also target a lower class audience who are stereotypically seen as more likely to get into trouble and also be rebellious. other than them My Chemical Romance and Watchmen fans would be targeted in the video by what is featured in it.
Age and class are mostly represented in this video by the way the young lower class audience and band follow their stereotypes of causing problems and being the negative compared with the older looking police who are there to solve the problem. There is also a vague representation of gender by the stereotypical aggression seen in the male characters throughout the video. The band have been represented to follow the traditional punk style of dressing and acting like delinquents by continuing with the concert despite the chaos going on and one of the members even has a British flag badge on their shoulder symbolising the origin of a lot of popular Punk music.

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