Friday 19 December 2014

Final Music Video

This is the final cut of our music video for TFI's Cyanide.

Final Digipak

This is our final Digipak

Final Magazine Advertisement

Here is our final Magazine advertisement.

Above is the original size we created it, however we realised that it wasn't industry standard because it didn't fit a whole or half an A4 sheet. Therefore we edited it into the larger version seen below which fits half an A4 sheet.

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Research and Planning
Throughout our construction and research I required mostly the use of the Internet to find the information needed as it provided large amounts of search results in a short amount of time so I could find what I needed quickly, which proved to be very useful particularly in order to keep on track. More specifically I used Google to look for information from various websites and YouTube for videos I used for analysing as search engines for the exploration to aid with my research. As well as this YouTube provided us with the ability to stream our planning and testing videos, such as the lip syncing practice and storyboards, which were created using iMovie and Windows Movie Maker as video editing software.
For our music video we used iMovie, which is the default video editing software on mac computers, to edit our rough cuts and final movie together. This was an effective program to use because it allowed us to explore a range of editing techniques and gave us quick and easy access to the editing tools we needed to create what we had planned for a final product quickly and efficiently with a good quality final product.  We then used YouTube to upload the video online for streaming, which made the music video easy to access.
For the Magazine advertisement and Digipak we made use Adobe Photoshop in order to edit the images we had taken previously so they would fit the specifications we needed to look like the intended product. Photoshop was useful because it also provided us with a range of tools, which similar programs don't have available at the same standard, so our final product would look more professional and effective.
My evaluation consisted of Windows Movie Maker for Question 1, which was an easy video editing program for me to access at home and simple to use so I could create my evaluation with ease and speed. I also made use of Audacity in order to edit the sound of the video so it would play after scenes from the video were displayed. I then Uploaded this onto YouTube so I could post it on my blog easily.

For Question 2 I used to create a presentation which used animations to present my evaluation visually. It was software which was easy to use and made my evaluation easy to put across.
Question 3 involved the use of Audacity in order to edit my narration so it was clear and fitted with the video. The video itself I edited on Windows Movie Maker so I could combine the sound and video without difficulty.
Finally of course I used Blogger for this question and all the posts of information from my research, planning, construction and evaluation stages which meant I could put my progression across easily and clearly.

Friday 5 December 2014

Plans for magazine advertisement

These are the magazine advertisements created based on the album, music video and my research.

The first features the same punk-like font for the album name as that of the album. The band's name is shown in their own logo's font and in the background the skull on the album CD holder is graffitied on the wall of the tunnel featured in the music video. On the floor of the tunnel are some apples which highlight the use of cyanide. The album itself is then shown in the centre of the advertisement.

The second uses the same album name and band logo font in different positions. The background shows the wall on the side of the tunnel with the skull/apple of the other album design's front cover over it. All the text and images are graffitied or drawn onto the wall to reflect the punk convention of anarchy.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Magazine advertisement analysis of our chosen genre

As our band didn't already have one, I created an analysis of a poster from an artist of the same genre in order to know specifically what was included in posters of this genre. this would help me create my own one so it looks appropriate for our artist and genre. I chose to analyse the advertisement for the album Neighbourhoods by the punk band Blink 182.

Text and font
The text uses quite an abstract, unconventional font including backward or misshaped letters which relates to the generic convention of punk being to go against the rules. A larger font has been used on the most informative text, in this case it being the album name, artist and release date. In a smaller font is additional information such as the song featured and website address.

The overall greyscale colours used suggest the album's music will have quite a dark and depressing theme to it, which it does. The text uses a white colour which contrasts with the black background so the text is clearer and more eye catching for the viewer.

The main image displayed shows a sketched out areal view of a city with a large section of buildings in the centre of the image shaped like the band name. The cityscape has been used to relate to the album name, Neighbourhoods. Other images shown in the advertisement include the band logo and record companies, all in white to follow the advertisements style and contrast with the black background.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Plans for digipak

These are the digipak designs I created based overall on my research into other digipaks, our song's genre and our music video.

My First design features the bands instrument (the guitar), a scientific flask to reflect the chemical theme of cyanide, an apple (where cyanide comes from) and a pint glass of beer like the one featured in the music video. The front cover includes the album name in a classic punk-like font and a group of hands which are shaped to form the letters TFI in between them.

My second design incorporates a more rebellious style to emphasise the idea of anarchy. I used a graffiti cartoon of an apple which a skull looking face reflecting how cyanide comes from apples and is featured in the video. Other references to the video are the beer pint glass with a skull over it and the smashed pint glass after being drunk in the video. The spray paint can has been used to symbolise anarchy by its use for creating graffiti. The band members are also seen on one of the panels in a line as silhouettes facing a crowd of generic looking people who look towards the viewer. This is meant to symbolise the idea of being an individual and not following the system, as punk is associated with.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Analysis of digipak of our chosen genre

Because our band didn't have a digipak I decided to analyse one from a band of the same genre. I chose to analyse the one for Green Day's Greatest Hits 2 digipak. This will help me when it comes to designing our digipak to make it look more appropriate for the genre.
The front cover contains the three band members stencilled onto a wall which connotes a gritty urban setting, which is strongly associated with that genre. Their faces are coloured in white to highlight them more to emphasise their importance. The band's name is clearly displayed in a large bright font which contrasts with the dark background. on the bottom of the front the album's name is displayed over a banner held by an eagle. This signifies their American origin and connotes patriotism which contrasts the way punk is generally very anti-patriotic.

The back cover uses a background of a stencil of the back of a man carrying rucksacks. There is little significance for the use of this background however it follows the urban graffiti style theme the album uses overall. The font of the track list uses a stencil looking font as well. Also it has been placed at an angle to mirror the generic gritty style of punk.
The rest of the album contains mostly photos of the band, emphasising their importance and that it is their album.

The digipak is made up of 3 panels and 6 sides and folds into thirds. Two of the inner sides are used to hold two CD's and the third is used to display what would be on the booklet.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Pitch idea based on lyrics

Once we had decided on TFI (The fake imposters) as our artist, we read through the lyrics for their song Cyanide, which is the song we chose to create a music video for, and discussed ideas for the video's narrative based on them. We each analysed the lyrics individually so we could think up more unique ideas then exchanged ideas together. Here is the analysis I made myself:

I came up with the idea of a couple who end up in an argument because the male has cheated on the girl with her friend and he leaves. The girl working at an inn has to serve the man who is now dating her friend and decides to put cyanide in his drink to kill him. The links between the lyrics and narrative portray mostly literal representations of them, including the inn, the cyanide pill in the drink, walking out the door and the couple having dinner.

Monday 17 November 2014

Lyric analysis and importance

The lyrics in the song being used for the music video have a very large effect on what happens visually throughout the music video. The lyrics will help get across a message to the audience and engage them with the video. They can also aid the narrative and set the scene of the video by explaining what is happening or why. The video can follow the lyrics meaning literally or use them to create a hidden meaning within the video and in some cases the video can have nothing to do with the lyrics at all, but this is uncommon.

In order to understand how this would work I analysed the lyrics for Leave Right Now by Will Young which I hadn't seen the music video for before and planned my own music video based around the lyrics then compared it to the actual thing. This would help me by allowing me to test how the lyrics can be adapted to create an effective music video so I can apply these skills to my own chosen song and music video.

I ended up creating a very symbolic literal representation of the lyrics which involved the artist falling into a pool and sinking. Then the heart shaped pool cracks in half and they fall downwards before landing in a giant hand and is wet and trembling, a girl then walks over to him and he stands for her.
This turned out to be a much more exaggerated portrayal of the song's lyrics to how it did in the official music video which features a POV view throughout the video facing the artist who sings towards the camera.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Foreverly magazine advertisement analysis

I analysed two magazine advertisements for albums based on their aesthetic look. From this I mainly found text varies in font size and colour depending on its informative importance. I will use this knowledge so my own advertisement  shows the key information clearly to its viewer.
Text and font
The advertisement has used the big and bold font from the original album cover to highlight clearly the names of the album's artists and the album title 'Foreverly' in a white and yellow coloured font which contrasts well with its background so it stands out from the rest of the advertisement. Other text included is what the album is about, its release date and the artist's website. The most useful information is highlighted in yellow font instead of white to draw the audience's attention to it specifically and so it follows the style of the album cover.

The advertisement has an orange and black filter which uses the strong contrast between the two colours to make the image of Billie Joe and Norah much bolder and sharper so its more eye-catching. The colours are also much brighter where the album title, the artists and their names are, compared to the rest of the picture which attracts most of the attention to that section of the advertisement.

The image shows both the artists recording at a studio together which highlights who the artists are to the viewer. Also the original image used for the album cover has been used, without the cropping,  as the advertisement's background. then the section which has been used as the album cover has been highlighted with the white border used in the cover and the outside section darkened to draw more attention to the cover itself.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Euphoria magazine advertisement analysis

This is my second magazine advertisement analysis from which I found the colours particularly are very important for highlighting information as well as allowing the viewer to point out the themes and genres of the album. This will come in useful for choosing the colours and positioning of images to my advertisements advantage, particularly when designing.
Text and font
The font size varies across the advertisement to help draw the viewers attention to the most important parts such as the artist's name and the album name which both use the largest font followed by the release date in a smaller font and finally the songs included, downloadable content and websites to visit for further information about the album and artist. The artist and album names have been highlighted using a white colour which contrasts with the dark background better than the yellow used in other text in the advertisement in order to draw the viewers eye towards them more as well. In the smaller text there is a variation between the yellow and white text to point out the most important information of that text for example the song names in the text which says what songs the album includes.
The dark brown background not only contrasts with the brighter colours in the foreground but also has connotations of casualness, warmth and comfort which combined with the slight red and pink colours in the deep background (which have connotations of love, passion and warmth as well) inform the viewer that the album's music is of a romantic theme. Also the album's name, Euphoria, adds to this.
A whole half of the page is covered by the artist alone which emphasises his importance and showing he is the main artist of the album as well as attracting the attention of fans towards the advertisement. There is also an image of the album to inform the viewer of what it looks like and record company logos in the corner so they know who produced it. These would be useful because if it is a large company, like in this case Universal Music Group, it would be more likely to include good quality mainstream music which commonly people find more appealing.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Analysis of Pure Dylan Digipak

This is my second digipak analysis.
Imagery and colours
The overall colours of the cover have a gritty, sepia look to them which connotes an old western style. This reflects both the generic western style of the country genre as well as the greyscale style Dylan uses often for his images. It also links with the use of imagery from different stages of his life by reflecting the idea of old-time photos. in each image he looks older which is highlighted by each being larger the older he becomes. These images suggest the album contains a compilation of songs from throughout his years.The two iconic instruments associated with the artist, the guitar and harmonica, are presented on sections of the album to help highlight how this is his "pure" and original style. The wavy and splash looking patterns behind the artist pictures mirror his music's creative and artistic concept.   
The text uses a western style font associating with the country genre that is his music. It has been sized based on importance with the album name being largest to focus the audience's attention on mostly the name to know who's the album is and then smaller information such as track listings and company information. They are coloured in black to contrast with the background and follow the black colours used in the rest of the cover. Also some of the text is a slight brown colour so the darker text is more emphasised, again to draw the viewers eye to the important information. On the album title, this is done to show Dylan's name is more important as he is the album artist. The rest of the pack uses no text so the audience can focus on the imagery on each section.
Unlike the previous digipak this one contains 6 panels (3 on the inside and 3 on the outside). It opens up in the same way however using two doors which sit on top of each other when closed. This provides more thickness and therefore better protection for the digipak as well as  looking stylish for the user.  

Analysis of The Heist digipak

 To help me understand how a digipak can be created to aid with the design of my own one I analysed through on myself based on its aesthetics and functionality.
Imagery and colours
The entire cover of the package uses an image resembling a faux reptile skin, relating to one of the album's hit singles "Thrift Shop" which is about buying cheap or fake made objects and clothing from a thrift shop. The dark background helps highlight the lighter images in the foreground.
The font used has a gritty and nostalgic look to it which suggests the album will include songs with a link to the artist personally. It also varies in font based on the main facts from additional information, for example the album's name is in the largest font and stretches over a lot of the front cover to help draw the user's attention to the digipak, whereas the artists' names are in a smaller font just above because they aren't as important as the album title. its golden colour not only contrasts with the dark background to highlight it further but also as a colour, gold connotes richness and power, making the artist and album appear to be more important. No logos are visible over the digipak however the artist name(s), album name, record label, included songs and company credits are displayed on either the front, back or inside covers.
The digipak itself opens simply in a book-like way, with nothing connecting the two sides when closed and made up of one long strip of card which holds the two halves of the case together. The album leaflet slides out the side as it would with a regular plastic CD case.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Notes on digipack and magazine advertisement

Researching into digipaks and posters will inform me of the basics I need to know when creating the ones for our own artist so I can produce a good quality product.
Typically a digipak consists of a book-like style made of a paper or card outer binding and contains one or more CD trays within it. They are important because they encase the CD and protect it from damage and inform the user of who the artist and album are for the CD. Digipaks in particular have become a recent popularity among music artists due to their resistance to cracking as unlike the classic jewel case style CD case they are not made of a brittle material, except for the inner CD tray.
Magazine advertisement (Album)
Album magazine advertisements are used as a promotional tool to entice people to buy the album of a specific artist. They usually contain text informing the viewer of information such as the album and artist names, the release date, songs included, record companies and websites to visit and the advertisement will include an image of at least the album cover. Their style will also vary depending on the artist's style and genre, for example a metal artist would use much darker lighting and less colours compared to an electronic artist. Artists need these in order to help sell their albums in larger quantities as creating advertisements makes it more likely people will take interest in the album and purchase it.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Notes on the cultural effects model

I made some research on this theory is it would be beneficial for understanding how music videos use it to their advantage and how I can use it to help make my own video more effective.

The cultural effects model is a theory which states audiences views are affected largely by the media, however unlike the Hypodermic Needle theory, they are influenced gradually over a long period of time through a 'drip drip' effect. This relates closely to Neo-Marxist views which suggest people have been exposed over a long period of time to media content brought forward by capitalist ideology.
Music videos are linked with this because of the various stereotypes featured within their generic conventions which would have been influenced by other media text and would contribute to the influence of the audiences perception of those stereotypes. An example would be a generic convention of rap being gang culture and more commonly featuring black people, emphasising the stereotypical idea that black people are more involved in gang culture.
This theory can be used in our music video through following the conventions seen in our genre as it will feature particular stereotypes, such as teenagers being stereotypically rebellious and associated with anarchy. This would then contribute to the 'drip drip' effect as well as being influenced by it.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Lip syncing

This involves merging together voices with a video (when they have been recorded separately) so the sound matches the actor's mouth movements in the video. This is used particularly in music videos so the original studio recorded song can be played over the film. It is very important that this is done as perfectly as possible, especially for music videos, for the mouth movements must match what is being said so the person looks like they are actually saying it. if the sound and video are just a second out of sync the whole effect is lost. This is something we will have to consider carefully during our film's editing process.

This video of Lindsay Lohan performing live on TV is good example of bad lip syncing. From 0:40 to 0:50 she can be seen appearing to forget the lyrics which caused some controversy as most of the fans believed she was singing live.

A good example of lip syncing can be seen clearly in Miley Cyrus' music video for 'Wrecking Ball' in which doing it correctly was very important for the close up shot means any mistakes would be easily noticed.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Textual analysis from chosen genre (My Chemical Romance-Desolation Row)

I created a second analysis for a music video for our genre to help gain much wider knowledge of the conventions included in that genre. This video really emphasised the classic style of punk using various elements to represent anarchy. such as attacking police and causing mayhem.
Visual codes
There is a large amount of typography and iconography at the start of the video as it shows a classic punk concert played at a venue called the 'Pale Horse' which bears reference to one featured in the novel for Watchmen, for which this song was made. The sign at the concert says 'My Chemical Romance' and this is followed by a sign saying 'sold out' highlighting how the band are a very popular mainstream artist. The audience is made aware the video is set in New York by its generic police uniforms worn by the police featured at the start. This introduction also suggests there is about to be trouble, which is what punk is generally about causing. The background of the artists' stage displays the face mask of one of the Watchmen characters, again, showing reference to the film the song was made for. There are various shots reflecting the generic convention of anarchy in punk music videos such as people punching police men, riot police pushing through the crowd and objects being thrown and broken. The lighting of the video is fairly low key which mirrors the bad mischievous nature of the band who are causing havoc.
Technical codes
Throughout the video the editing is fast paced to follow the tempo of the music so it is more highlighted from the video and not transitions are used so the cuts are fast and snappy. The re are slow motion effects used a lot to help emphasise the speed of movements and actions being taken, for example the bottle being broken on the riot policeman's helmet. There are a large amount of shots focusing on the lead singer and band as it shows them as important characters which follows the conventional style of music videos. There are also many shots of the audience highlighting that the band is playing live. Most of the shots are placed matching the band's eye level to show how they are levelled above the audience also reflecting their importance.
With the band being a punk band, many of punk's generic conventions are followed in this video. This is shown through elements such as shots of the artists playing, a sense of chaos and anarchy and the overall visual style of the setting.
There is a clear narrative shown in the video which shows the artists performing at a concert which is sold out. The enraged fans who haven't got tickets begin causing havoc and as the police arrive it worsens. Eventually riot police arrive to solve the problem and a riot breaks out inside the concert as the band is playing. it concludes with the band being arrested. Various intertextual references are included in the video from the film 'Watchmen' including the location and editing style.
The video was made to not only promote the band but also the film 'Watchmen' both of which are distributed by Warner Bros. Both were also directed by the same man resulting in similar styles to both which helped with promotion of the film. By featuring their film in one of their artist's music videos Warner were able to promote the film at a lower cost than using someone else's.
The audience aimed at with this video would mostly be teenagers or young adults who are not only generally the audience most targeted by punk music but are also stereotyped as being rebellious and causing chaos like the crowd in the video. The video would also target a lower class audience who are stereotypically seen as more likely to get into trouble and also be rebellious. other than them My Chemical Romance and Watchmen fans would be targeted in the video by what is featured in it.
Age and class are mostly represented in this video by the way the young lower class audience and band follow their stereotypes of causing problems and being the negative compared with the older looking police who are there to solve the problem. There is also a vague representation of gender by the stereotypical aggression seen in the male characters throughout the video. The band have been represented to follow the traditional punk style of dressing and acting like delinquents by continuing with the concert despite the chaos going on and one of the members even has a British flag badge on their shoulder symbolising the origin of a lot of popular Punk music.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Textual analysis from chosen genre (Green Day-Boulevard of Broken Dreams)

I analysed a music video off the same genre as my chosen artist. This would help me understand the style and key conventions associated with that genre so that I may apply them to my own video. From it I found mostly the editing was effective in portraying the genre, particularly the lighting and effects.
Visual codes
In this video a variety of imagery is used as iconography to display the location where the video is based. The American style convertible in the desert with the classic western style tumble weed rolling past help the audience depict the video's North American setting. This is later backed up by the use of a US flag in a background shop window. In terms of typography, the band's name can be seen at the start of the video on the front of the car in silver letters and above it is the fist and grenade featured in the song's album cover to relate the two to each other. For me the shot in which the three band members are seen walking down the street one behind the other in front of the discount store is the most interesting composition, as the other characters in the background are much larger than them, giving them a sense of insignificance which mirrors the lyrics' theme of being alone. The lighting is fairly low key despite the time of day which connotes the negative mood of the song.
Technical codes
At the start, the close up on the fist and grenade makes for an effective shot by the way it is focused on by the camera to highlight its significance to the audience. Many of the shots throughout the video are of the artists, especially close ups of the lead singer which reflects the generic conventions of music videos. Also some low angle shots are used to reflect their importance. The editing uses no transitions and varying pace to reflect the song's tempo. Many of the shots have been edited with special effects to make them look gritty and nostalgic. This has connotations of being old and dirty which mirrors the band's punk genre convention of roughness and improvisation.

The band's genre is punk which is presented clearly through many of its conventions in this video. For example the rough and gritty look which gives the sense of it being hand made as punk is more associated with the lower class inferior members of society. There are many shots of the band performing and close ups of the artist's which are conventions of both punk and music videos in general.
The narrative of the video depicts the band members' car breaking down in a desert and them going on a walk to find help. Though it isn't clear in this video, the video follows on from the end of the narrative for band's other song, 'Holiday', as they are recovering from their hangover, using the car in both videos as an intertextual reference. As well as this there is the reference to both song's album cover with the fist and grenade on the car's bonnet. The band are also seen performing inside an abandoned looking building which follows the rough and gritty convention of their genre.
The video received very high praise, including many music awards which shows the record company Warner Music must have put a lot into creating an effective video for the band to help promote their song through YouTube and TV music channels such as MTV.
The audience this video targets is overall punk music lovers which based on the audiences associated with that genre means they would be aged between around 15 and 30 and of a low to lower-medium class. This is shown by the use of a gritty urban setting and energetic style of the video. Also their fans would be highly targeted by the various references featured in the video such as the car.
Little representations of issues are shown other than class by the presentation of a lower class run down location. Also age can be seen by the way the characters reflect the stereotypical idea of young adults and teenagers getting into problems due to activities such as drinking and also being lost in society, shown by the band walking down the streets with a hangover. The artists have been represented to dress quite casually to reflect the conventional style of punk and using a mostly dark colour scheme as most punk bands wear. The costumes include pieces of clothing such as shirts and ties which give the band a sense of importance and follow their common dress-style.